Love Gifts
A charitable donation made in honor of a child who has passed.
A Love Gift can be a gift of thanks or simply a gift from someone who wants to help in the work of our chapter.
Love gifts are acknowledged every two months in the newsletter.
All TCF Chapters depend solely on donations to fund meetings. A Love Gift will help defer expenses such as our website, meeting place, newsletter, telephone, Candle Lighting Event, books, brochures, and supplies; all of which help to assist grieving families. These gifts are much needed and are always welcomed.
Our Chapter is entirely operated by unpaid volunteers.
May the sweet memories of your child shine brightly!
Your gift is tax deductible to the extent allowed by the law. The Compassionate Friends is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.
Please donate via Paypal here:
or you can make *Love Gift checks payable to:
The Compassionate Friends Bridgeport Chapter
*Submit checks to the Moderator at the next meeting or click link below to mail Love Gift